Monday, September 29, 2008

Valuable Blogs

TE448 class blogs seem to be a valuable addition to the course.  As we have all experienced at some time or another classroom atmospheres have a tendency to place a strain on large group discussions.  This can be a problem in college and primary and secondary classrooms alike.  Blogs serve a professional and focused way to either continue classroom discussions or begin them in the first place.  
I feel that blogs are an effective way of learning classmates' or colleagues' ideas which do not always make it into  classroom discussions.  I find it interesting to keep up with what my classmates think about topics related to the course.  This exchange of ideas and thoughts can help me to form ideas or to further develop my own ideas.  

1 comment:

C.Krohn said...

I agree- it is a great place to see what people are thinking or saying in such a large class. It is a nice way to interact when that can't always be done in a classroom. I hope you are able to comment with others and keep up with some blogs.